I’m afraid this fictional story is all too real. This is the way my husband and I (I’m a woman, not actually Elvis), discuss the decision to buy a new car.
What really bothers me is that this is the way the “decision” is depicted as normal and rational in our society now.
These are the same people who condemn eating at McDonalds, as though anyone who eats at McDonalds should know better: Eating at McDonalds will destroy your health and make you obese! These people know better and would never make that mistake! (I don’t agree).
These are the same people who don’t make the connection between sex and pregnancy. There is an agreement that if a woman gets pregnant, it’s nobody’s fault, it just happened, like getting cancer. Nobody is to blame. The DECISION can only be made after a pregnancy is confirmed.
It’s righteous to criticize and condemn people for being fat, even if you know nothing about them. They put the wrong things in their body, and it naturally made them fat. Input - output.
But they are silently agreeing that people do not have a CHOICE when it comes to pregnancy. They silently agree to deny that there is a choice to have sex or abstain. Our laws here in the US do not take away that choice. So why is there blind acceptance of the lie that if abortion is not easily accessible and acceptable, a woman has no choices?
Why are people so willing to be so stupid, and feel so smart and virtuous for being so stupid?
I didn’t get pregnant easily. I desperately wanted children. I had 5 miscarriages. But I was determined to keep trying, in spite of the heartbreak of miscarriage. I was able to have 6 children. To me, there is nothing in life as important and as wonderful as having children, even though it is difficult at times - many times, even when they are grown.
Having children need not be expensive. You don’t need to wait until you can “afford” them.
Most woman are more fertile in their late teens, twenties, and early 30’s. They have the energy and strength to care for children when they are young.
What was normal and expected in the recent past - getting married young and having children, is now considered a risky option. How did that happen? So sad.
Having children disrupted my life and took me away from my own goals.
Looking back, nothing has been so important to me as having children.
I can't 100% denounce abortion. There might be times when it is the best choice out of a list of undesirable choices. But the callous manner in which some people promote abortion, as if is just another routine medical procedure, is nothing short of disgusting. Every fetus is human and deserves consideration. And every fetus has both a mother and a father, and they should BOTH be involved, all the time, in any decision-making. To some, the father is little more than a sperm donor.
I got married 54.5 years ago.
It was a huge adjustment .
A year later the baby came.
I soon learned Up until then I had no idea what life adjustment was.
I did adjust.
I was no longer the center of the universe.
Now, in old age, I’m a fading star.
I do have my/our little solar system.
I/we have a couple of rotating planets.
They include my/our four moons.
I can’t imagine being a lonely star fading into oblivion.
Do I have regret?
I do.
I wish I/we had a couple more planets and their moons.
Beautifully said.
I’m afraid this fictional story is all too real. This is the way my husband and I (I’m a woman, not actually Elvis), discuss the decision to buy a new car.
What really bothers me is that this is the way the “decision” is depicted as normal and rational in our society now.
These are the same people who condemn eating at McDonalds, as though anyone who eats at McDonalds should know better: Eating at McDonalds will destroy your health and make you obese! These people know better and would never make that mistake! (I don’t agree).
These are the same people who don’t make the connection between sex and pregnancy. There is an agreement that if a woman gets pregnant, it’s nobody’s fault, it just happened, like getting cancer. Nobody is to blame. The DECISION can only be made after a pregnancy is confirmed.
It’s righteous to criticize and condemn people for being fat, even if you know nothing about them. They put the wrong things in their body, and it naturally made them fat. Input - output.
But they are silently agreeing that people do not have a CHOICE when it comes to pregnancy. They silently agree to deny that there is a choice to have sex or abstain. Our laws here in the US do not take away that choice. So why is there blind acceptance of the lie that if abortion is not easily accessible and acceptable, a woman has no choices?
Why are people so willing to be so stupid, and feel so smart and virtuous for being so stupid?
I didn’t get pregnant easily. I desperately wanted children. I had 5 miscarriages. But I was determined to keep trying, in spite of the heartbreak of miscarriage. I was able to have 6 children. To me, there is nothing in life as important and as wonderful as having children, even though it is difficult at times - many times, even when they are grown.
Having children need not be expensive. You don’t need to wait until you can “afford” them.
Most woman are more fertile in their late teens, twenties, and early 30’s. They have the energy and strength to care for children when they are young.
What was normal and expected in the recent past - getting married young and having children, is now considered a risky option. How did that happen? So sad.
Having children disrupted my life and took me away from my own goals.
Looking back, nothing has been so important to me as having children.
I can't 100% denounce abortion. There might be times when it is the best choice out of a list of undesirable choices. But the callous manner in which some people promote abortion, as if is just another routine medical procedure, is nothing short of disgusting. Every fetus is human and deserves consideration. And every fetus has both a mother and a father, and they should BOTH be involved, all the time, in any decision-making. To some, the father is little more than a sperm donor.