"kissing hands and shaking babies" - LOL, always cracks me up. Good reading these last two posts.

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I am opting out this election

Enjoy the show

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I get it. But if comes down to it, please consider voting a third-party candidate. And remember there will be many things on the ballot besides the presidential election. You can pick and choose what offices you will vote on.

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Yes people tell me to vote locally

I have decided to move to a sensible country

Too much cognitive dissonance here

Here is example

Democrats want war with China on the other side of the globe by 2025

Bill Clinton de industrialized America so unable to wage such a war

Just one example of many

Another one

Aussies want nuclear submarines by 2040 to fight China

Climate scientists same club say Australia will be uninhabitable by 2040

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Well said. Enjoyed both parts. The business analogy works very well.

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