Very thoughtful piece, yes life is not black and white and our perspective changes through life experience. I shared this piece with others and prefaced it with this :

A really thought provoking article written below worth reading. It’s basically about a person’s journey in life and their growth. Everyone is different and our opinions change as we grow into adults. We all see the world differently. We are all individual thinking human beings. As time goes by, most of us can see life is not quite black or white but rather shades of gray. This is an important read to share with young people.

I tend to read hundreds of articles a week but sometimes one article I read in particular really stands out and gets me thinking. I enjoy when something causes me to think and the article below certainly does this. A baby boomer’s journey in life illustrated below and how his engagement with reality throughout life changes his perspective over time.

It’s a darn shame how so many people remain firm and rigid in their views and remain stagnant. It’s a shame how we let the media and people in power divide us so much. Share this with a young person. It’s relatively a pretty quick read. Five minutes is probably the length here.

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Thank you so much for that comment. It means a lot. And I try my best.

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This piece really struck a chord with me. I recently told one of my adult sons that I find myself saying "I don't know," or I'm not sure" a lot more often than I did when I was younger and everything was black or white.

I especially liked your concise history of the years between WWII and the end of the Vietnam conflict and the Nixon years. Opening trade with China had far-reaching and varied consequences, some good, some bad. Not black, not white.

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