One of the best things about being a futurist is that you never have to be right, because everyone forgets about you being wrong...except a few cranks who say "I told you so!" ad infinitum. Witness all the predictions about the ice caps being gone by now, and the jet packs, flying cars, 24-hour work week, and so on and so on.

But, as for government interest in both economies and with "climate change," you neglect to mention that the objects of being in government are power and retirement. Government wonks do everything they can to reward themselves (first) and their cronies (second). "Climate change" is the latest riff on the Y2K Syndrome, where DOOM will surely follow if we don't Take Control and Do Something, as witnessed during the COVID house arrests 2020-21. Note that the wealthy and powerful ignored the house arrest provisions but ensured that the Great Unwashed were punished if they went to church. Their "climate change" and "green" mandates only line their pockets and those of their friends, while picking ours and doing absolutely nothing good for the environment. This ensures that they will be well set up once they leave government and charge $400,000 for a twenty-minute stump speech.

You need to pay better attention.

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Yes politicians are self serving. Bernie has three houses and never had a job outside of government

And am sure has a good pension etc and accomplished nothing for America

The country has been in decline for 50 years

Both parties feed at the trough and we pay for it

Eric Weinstein has interesting interviews explaining how it’s all theater and self serving

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Climate has always changed that’s a fact

What humans have done over time is develop adaptations so can live under various climate situations

Resilience it’s called

Those that had useful adaptations thrived others did not

An example is the domestication of cattle

And especially dairy cattle

Frankly I am interested in individuality

I see people very focused on group identity

I was forced into individuality by my early childhood experiences

But is being group identified more resilient providing a network effect

I can scream be an individual but most people don’t want that

They cling to their “tribe” so to speak

They seek a security there versus the freedom of being self defined

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The nature of political parties is that they attract 'joiners'. I have no problem with joining. I've joined a number of things myself. But it is the ultimate goal of political parties to force participation by everyone, whether they like it or not. Political parties tell us what we want, but never ask us what we want.

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The founders of USA believed political parties would destroy it. Make it like the European countries

Seems to have happened as all the western countries behave the same and it seems the elections don’t even matter

There is a system a bureaucracy

In any case there are some countries still that have high independence of thought

Frankly I think technology leads to social change

For example machines driven by steam gasoline diesel electricity made slavery uneconomical

The hand gun ended feudalism as armored highly trained knights were useless and led to more democracy although that has now been captured

In any case for most humans today life is much better in many ways than it was in early 1800s

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