This is a good summary

“Just ask Hilary Clinton and Stacy Abrams.  They both insist that Trump stole their elections from them, and then insist that Trump should be prosecuted for claiming his election was stolen. The way to preserve democracy is to persecute your opponent.”

And I wonder if Hillary knows she is being hypocritical?

Most politicians are narcissists apparently so actually they dont know

Because of the “too many people issue mentioned by Hannah Arendt” it seems we are going to have lots of government in some form or other. All western countries have lots of government even the “capitalist” ones

Superfluous men make trouble so give them a job as president or senator

But there they cause lots of trouble because basically most are incompetent in the real world

So what to do as Lenin asked


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I have a theory about lawyers such as Hilary. Lawyers are not trained to be reasonable or to attempt to reconcile different points of view. They are trained to take sides. They are paid to take sides.

If there weren't different sides, lawyers would not have jobs.

So, people like Hilary think that picking fights and creating dissention is a good thing. It certainly is good for business.

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