I think space was supposed to be the new West. That's why they had to kill it. Can you imagine what would happen if people far away from Earth had to *do thing for themselves*?!
That's why I keep promoting Individualism. A person's life and choices are not subject to 'majority rule'. Each of us should blaze our own trail, rather than follow the beaten path. Like almost anything, doing what is best takes the most work.
"Go west young man," was not aimed at everyone. It was aimed at the people who looked at where they were, and wondered wht else there was.
Long live the nanny state!
"You have to be asleep to believe it" - so true. We have a populace who are faint of heart.
Chasing the American dream used to be encouraged. Now it is denigrated.
Yet the USA is still the place where the disadvantaged around the world want to get to.
I think space was supposed to be the new West. That's why they had to kill it. Can you imagine what would happen if people far away from Earth had to *do thing for themselves*?!
I tend towards idealism so drawn to Plato’s writings “sometimes”. Idealists can be easily fooled by propaganda
I took a job literally west and found supportive writings that it was the best place to live in America
I moved there. The climate was awful ie feeeze your face off in 10 months of winter and 2 months of blistering summer plus it was flatland
Why would anyone live there?
And a one horse town ie a monopsony town
Of course the one Corporation controlled the “perspective” on the place
It was like the UTurn movie with Sean Penn
Almost impossible to get out of there but I did get out with my life and some of my sanity and without getting divorced
But it taught me a valuable lesson
The difference between reality and “group perspective”
That's why I keep promoting Individualism. A person's life and choices are not subject to 'majority rule'. Each of us should blaze our own trail, rather than follow the beaten path. Like almost anything, doing what is best takes the most work.
"Go west young man," was not aimed at everyone. It was aimed at the people who looked at where they were, and wondered wht else there was.
I support individualism myself but humans are herd animals to a great degree
And now with fiat currencies and the nation state we live in a virtual world
For example a common stock that pays no dividends in a company only has value in the sense that people in general value it
Similarly with cryptocurrencies and fiat money itself
But in the herd it’s almost impossible to survive and prosper without these things
So to survive and prosper one can be aware but also manipulate it to one’s advantage
Often though it’s hard to see how it will impact oneself due to the “virtual reality” aspect of it
In the Middle Ages the church owned half the land in Europe just as an example
That was the thing then
Now it’s not