The RNC and DNC, are private corporations. The only reason that they exist is to create power and money for themselves. It launders in money and power. Doesn't matter if it's a friend or enemy, all are welcomed as long as they have either. George Carlin, said it best. It a big club and we ain't in it. Everything that they're doing is based in fear.
Thanks for the link
Listened it was great
The RNC and DNC, are private corporations. The only reason that they exist is to create power and money for themselves. It launders in money and power. Doesn't matter if it's a friend or enemy, all are welcomed as long as they have either. George Carlin, said it best. It a big club and we ain't in it. Everything that they're doing is based in fear.
"Power needs to check power." The Biden administration tries to upset that balance at every turn. As has every Democrat administration before his.