I like that Sowell book a lot. When the statue-take-down phase was in high gear, I asked people why no one suggested erecting new statues to focus the energy of grievance on something positive. Build instead of teardown. I would be good with a Mt. Rushmore with the likes of Sowell, Frederick Douglas, and MLK. But we don’t create much worthwhile these days.

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Max Stirners book The Ego And Its Own has a good discussion on freedom

Basically it’s a false concept for humans as we are a social species and need a society to survive

At best earn your privileges

The billionaires in America live in bunkers surrounded by security guards

Is that freedom

Well they dont pay income taxes

They do have some freedoms but gave up others

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A radio program I listened to used to have Sowell and Walter E Williams on as regular guests. They were great!

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I don't think I've heard of that. Wish I had.

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It was a talk radio show on KSFO in San Francisco, back when Lee Rodgers and Jim Eason were still on the air. They were long time hosts until early 2010s.

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A substantial chunk of the US & EU population consists of what used to be called the "silent majority." Those are people who are either too busy with work, family, etc. or are too turned off by exactly the groupthink you refer to here to sign on to party ideologies. Your accusations should be qualified with "This message is for the party faithful only."


I'm also a huge fan of Sowell, and also Louis Rossmann. Here's Rossmann's latest:


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I bemoan the lossy-goosey application of terms. 'Silent majority' might be one of those. It seems to have been used a lot by Spiro Agnew, Nixon's VP until he was forced out.

Still, apart from any negative connotations, keeping yourself free in a free society shouldn't have to be a full-time job. A 'silent majority' should truly be able to have their own life without continually playing defense against party factions.

But, yes, a large number of my posts are aimed at party faithful, attempting to show them the error of their ways.

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As long as there are cultoid parties (i.e. until we teach kids to watch out for goebbelsological manipulation of perceptions,) the average thinking person will have to play defense against the rabid followers.

I use "rabid" in only a semi-metaphorical sense. Consider how the rabies virus does its thing.

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I try not to play defense. That only slows down the rate at which you lose.

As far as I can tell, all parties are cultoid. Or even all out cults.

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