Wow! I really enjoyed this little story of the pompous ass and Dave.

Well crafted tale of how some unimportant people delude themselves as being superior.

She never stops to think what the employer brings to the table, the organizing, selling, innovating, etc. then there is risk management and capital invested.

Dave makes almost twice what she does because he’s twice as valuable and smart enough to understand it all.

The employee needs to fire her before she destroys the company and they all lose their jobs.

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Great little story with a great point.

Interesting how the essential Daves have been joined by the "essential" DEI professionals.

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Hard to tell them apart. That might be because they are one and the same.

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This is great. It could be used as a discussion piece in a high school or college civics class.

I just saw a note here on Substack that said something like "In order to save democracy, billionaires like Elon Musk must be taxed out of existence." Oh, the irony.

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I was chatting with the fellow who owns the local coffee shop

Apparently all the ordering of supplies and inventory tracking can be done using Salesforce software

Much cheaper than that person who was doing it for 50k salary

Apparently now in some large law firms 50 percent of lawyers are already being replaced by AI

Just another perspective

Jack be nimble Jack be quick lol

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Computers and software have become essential. But we shouldn't become overly dependent on them. If the character in this story is flawed in that he can't see the big picture and where he fits into it, remember that computers, even AI, are far less perceptive than him.

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Apparently united healthcare dramatic increase in denial of claims was due to an AI program

At least what I read in media

Also had heard that the CrowdStrike failure of a deployment was done by an AI program

Not sure if true either

Lots of fun

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