Let me be the first to comment. There are various interpretations of who Alexei Navalny was. Was he a saint, working tirelessly to free Russia of Putin's oppression, or was he a less than desirable 'extremist' and swindler? The two are not mutually exclusive. He could have been both, and I haven't been able to sort through the politics to find essential truth. But I have no doubt that Putin would and did persecute Navalny for daring to go up against his organization. If I don't know all there is to know about Navalny, I know more than enough about Putin. He has destroyed any hope of a free Russia any time in the foreseeable future. And I know America. We are letting it slip away from us. Once it's gone, elections will mean nothing, just as they mean nothing in any banana republic. Challenging beliefs, removing yourself from your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable. Well, tough. It is time, if you haven't already done so, to recognize that Washington politics is no longer about democracy, a republic, or any such. It is about raw power. If you trust in these people, you are damned FOOL.
I just now read the post that I've linked below. We all know the basic story of MLK, but there's more. Even though I lived in that time, I had to be reminded of the degree to which MLK was politically harassed with trumped up charges. Also, it is generally held that the FBI was proactive in that persecution. The FBI has always been politically controlled.
"What surprises me and saddens me to the core is that enough tens of millions of US citizens could be led by the nose into supporting this coup. Yes, coup." - this saddens me, also. Trump is in harm's way.
Let me be the first to comment. There are various interpretations of who Alexei Navalny was. Was he a saint, working tirelessly to free Russia of Putin's oppression, or was he a less than desirable 'extremist' and swindler? The two are not mutually exclusive. He could have been both, and I haven't been able to sort through the politics to find essential truth. But I have no doubt that Putin would and did persecute Navalny for daring to go up against his organization. If I don't know all there is to know about Navalny, I know more than enough about Putin. He has destroyed any hope of a free Russia any time in the foreseeable future. And I know America. We are letting it slip away from us. Once it's gone, elections will mean nothing, just as they mean nothing in any banana republic. Challenging beliefs, removing yourself from your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable. Well, tough. It is time, if you haven't already done so, to recognize that Washington politics is no longer about democracy, a republic, or any such. It is about raw power. If you trust in these people, you are damned FOOL.
Am reading Hannah Arendts book the Origins of Totalitarianism
I do see some parallels with Germany in the 1930s here in the USA
Important ingredients for the recipe are
The atomization of people we have that
Massive propaganda painting a virtual reality we have that
The formation of layers within the totalitarian party that isolates the true believers from the sympathizers we have that
Unfortunately most of the west is going down this path
Have been researching a bit other countries can move to
I just now read the post that I've linked below. We all know the basic story of MLK, but there's more. Even though I lived in that time, I had to be reminded of the degree to which MLK was politically harassed with trumped up charges. Also, it is generally held that the FBI was proactive in that persecution. The FBI has always been politically controlled.
"What surprises me and saddens me to the core is that enough tens of millions of US citizens could be led by the nose into supporting this coup. Yes, coup." - this saddens me, also. Trump is in harm's way.
All branches of our government, academia and media conspire to destroy our democracy. Half of the citizens cheer them on.