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Oct 24, 2023
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Thanks, I will.

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It’s really hard to watch this zombie apocalypse unfold to be honest, I keep thinking where on earth did they find all these ass hats that fall in line behind each other, and not only do as they are told but actually believe it’s the right thing to do. I think something is wrong with the numbers all the way around , if zombies are a statistic, I don’t know very many of them, so where do they come from? When they were Boasting about having 70% of the population vaccinated, I kept thinking no fucking way could this be true. I walked around the city with a Jason mask on with a post it note taped to my forehead that said “ITS YOUR FAULT “ just to let the so called 70% know how I feel about the whole situation, but honestly for the most part everyone I asked wasn’t touching shit with a ten foot poll. Maybe there are less zombies out there then the so called numbers would have us believe? We just need to find a way to unite so we can weed the true zombies out! We can point them all toward the same transgendered bathroom, I mean that’s where all of our politicians came from right? Or at least it’s there biggest accomplishment!!! Anyways they’ll be in good company, and we can then move forward instead of following a 300 year old play book, that led us to zombies and Transgendered bathrooms!! The End!!

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This should be required reading for the masses... If only we could get them to shut off the tv and read, and maybe think?

You know, of all the dystopian future scenarios tossed around for many years, for some reason I didn't expect it to be the zombie apocalypse. I didn't - until I realized it's already here. Your essay just confirmed that. Damn.

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