Kudos to the Radical Individualist for focusing on this topic.
An absolutely essential part of Hilter's ability too take control of the people and the government was his understanding that if you could define a common enemy for your supporters to rally around the acceptance of a dictatorship would be cake.
Hitler chose the Jews who were historically the "fall guys" for every wrong thing caused by inept and cruel leadership. The majority of Germans were grateful to be able to blame someone else for the destruction that they brought on themselves for starting WWI.
"progressive" Democrats in the US have seized on two targets. First target? Conservatives. Second target? People of Faith.
Sub-targets in no particular order include but are not limited to:
Free thinkers
Strict Constructionists
People of real science
This is a very short list and could well be fodder for my own Newsletter submission and may well be in the near future.
I began my list with People of Faith because totalitarians cannot exist and win in the face of population that belies that all things come from God. Every dictator of record did their best to either destroy the relation between the people and God or to bastardize it as only a secondary, or tertiary national characteristic. The State has to be the source of all in order for dictators and totalitarian governments to succeed.
We are in a battle rivaled only by that described by Toilken and oddly enough Stephen King.
I need to read that book will add it to my list
Hannah Arendt the Origins of Totalitarianism describes the mechanisms which Hitler and Stalin used to become totalitarian
Totalitarianism and dictatorship have some major differences I was not aware of
Especially in how the power is controlled and the “party” is layered
Totalitarianism requires an atomized people something we are struggling with today
The Philosophy of Freedom was authored by Rudolf Steiner based on his PhD in philosophy
It’s a wonderful book on how to use thinking itself to achieve freedom ie true individuality
Steiner had to flee Germany in the early 1929s as the brownshirts were rising and several attempts were made on his life
He planted many seeds that are still growing today
Biodynamic farming
Anthroposophical society
Waleda corporation
Are just a few of those
I see that Steiner had at least two books that start with "Philosophy of Freedom...". Are you referring to a specific one?
The book had multiple editions and translations as was written in German
The best edition in my humble opinion in English is translated by Michael Wilson
The Philosophy of Freedom
The basis for a modern world conception
Translation by Michael Wilson
The Philosophy of Freedom: The Basis for a Modern World Conception (CW 4) https://a.co/d/iCrWIqR
On Amazon lol
Forgot to mention that Steiner also founded the Waldorf schools which have grown considerably
Was a polymath maybe the last one
I've picked up The Essential Steiner at the library.
Early 1920s he fled Germany died in 1925
Kudos to the Radical Individualist for focusing on this topic.
An absolutely essential part of Hilter's ability too take control of the people and the government was his understanding that if you could define a common enemy for your supporters to rally around the acceptance of a dictatorship would be cake.
Hitler chose the Jews who were historically the "fall guys" for every wrong thing caused by inept and cruel leadership. The majority of Germans were grateful to be able to blame someone else for the destruction that they brought on themselves for starting WWI.
"progressive" Democrats in the US have seized on two targets. First target? Conservatives. Second target? People of Faith.
Sub-targets in no particular order include but are not limited to:
Free thinkers
Strict Constructionists
People of real science
This is a very short list and could well be fodder for my own Newsletter submission and may well be in the near future.
I began my list with People of Faith because totalitarians cannot exist and win in the face of population that belies that all things come from God. Every dictator of record did their best to either destroy the relation between the people and God or to bastardize it as only a secondary, or tertiary national characteristic. The State has to be the source of all in order for dictators and totalitarian governments to succeed.
We are in a battle rivaled only by that described by Toilken and oddly enough Stephen King.
Good work, Rad!