Yes, Progressives, It's Your Fault
Remember what I always say, the more sure you are that you are right, the more likely you are to be wrong...And, man, progressives are really sure they're right...
It’s early Monday after the near-miss assassination attempt of Donald Trump on Saturday. In this era of instant communications, we have already had thousands of reports and observations concerning that assassination attempt. I won’t be expressing opinions on how well the Secret Service did or didn’t do or on the protection to the upcoming convention. Yes, these things matter and continue to deserve our attention. But you don’t need to hear any of it from me.
But I will be talking about the assassination attempt. And I want to assure everyone that I have no intention to be fair and reasonable. I reason with reasonable people. But I learned long ago that there are people that simply cannot be reasoned with. Some of these people are progressives, and most of this will be addressed to them. I do not expect to convince progressives of anything, because they can not be convinced of anything. They simply believe. Progressivism is a cult. Cultists will believe absolutely anything at all, no matter how absurd. They need only hear from their leader, and they believe it. How does a person reason with such people? You cannot.
But the upside is I feel no reason to be reasonable with such people. So, I will try to convince them of nothing, because it can’t be done. Of course, progressivism will say that “Trumpism” is a cult. But it is not. Trumpism is an ‘anti-cult’. Trump and I are about the same age. We have both seen progressivism take over politics. We are both sick of it. And we are not the only two people in America who are sick of progressivism. There are, give or take, one hundred and fifty million of us.
I have been aware of Trump since at least the 1970s. He has been a developer that whole time, largely centered in NYC and NJ. He likes the limelight, as do a lot of successful people. For approximately fifty years I have known who Trump was, and didn’t really care much, one way or the other. Neither, really, did anyone else. He was just another guy who was out there, along with Richard Branson, David Rockefeller, Warren Buffet, Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ray Croc, etc. Younger people might think that Trump has always been a pariah. No kids, not true. If you believe that, congratulations, you’ve been indoctrinated. The fact is, Trump traveled in the same circles as people who today try to convince you that he has always been tainted.
Trump was just another rich, famous guy. Until he ran for the presidency starting in 2015. Even then, his candidacy was considered more of a curiosity than an issue. It wasn’t that long ago, kids, don’t you remember? But a strange thing happened. This guy who was NOT a career politician, who had not ‘paid his dues’ in politics, started being real competition.
And remember, there were primaries before there was a presidential election. Trump announced as a republican and ran in the republican primaries. He became a threat to the republican cabal long before he became a threat to the democrat cabal. And he was not treated kindly. How DARE he just insert himself into the process without paying his dues?! There was a long list of candidates, but the presumptive nominee by virtue of family position and party loyalty was Jeb Bush, brother of Dubya and son of George Sr. Trump showed no respect, and of course ultimately won the republican nomination.
So, before the democratic establishment had any reason to hate Trump, the republican establishment already hated him. I started liking him. But then it was the democrat’s turn. Trump ran against Hilary. Hilary is the epitome of cronyism. And incompetent to boot. But, as they say, she is not just anybody’s crook, she is OUR crook. Trump, for his part, was ‘supported’ by republicans who were pissed that this interloper stepped in and won the nomination of ‘their’ party. They never asked themselves what this nomination portended. To them, it must have been just an unfortunate anomaly.
So, Trump was largely running for president against the wishes of BOTH parties. How DARE he?! There is a process, a procedure, and Trump wasn’t following it. You’re supposed to work your way up, make your deals, form your alliances, scratch the right backs, bury the right bodies, skeletons in the closet, and all of that. Trump just stepped right in at the top!
But that’s not even the worst of it. Trump had the audacity to sneer at the process, labeling it ‘The Swamp’. The cherished political maneuverings of the party elite were being referred to as ‘The Swamp’! How DARE he! And of course, Americans cheered Trump on by the tens of millions, because, well, DC IS a swamp, and tens of millions of us are sick to death of that swamp.
And now, let’s get back to progressives. Progressives are natural born followers. As a teacher, I liken progressives to the grade-school students who want to memorize the definitions that go with the terms, with no concern with whether they actually comprehend anything. And then they go to college, and do still more of that. And then they graduate college, and they will, for the remainder of their lives, have no clue what is really happening. But they will memorize what they are told. They will believe Trump colluded with Putin, because they were told to. They will believe that Trump deserved to be impeached the first time, while having no idea what he was even charged with or how it could possibly constitute treason or other high crime or misdemeanor. They will not contemplate the strange juxtaposition of Trump’s impeachment with the growing Joe/Hunter kickback scandal in Ukraine. Nothing to see here folks, believe as you are told.
Progressives will believe that Trump is a racist, based on no evidence whatsoever. They will ignore that Biden is a racist, in spite of mountains of evidence. Progressives will believe that Trump’s supporters are typically violent, brainless thugs. They believe we are white supremacists, even when we are black. Just ask Larry Elder. I had a progressive woman actually tell me she was afraid to ever encounter a Trump supporter because she was afraid of being physically attacked! That was before she knew I was a Trump supporter. Should I go on? Do I need to go on? If any progressives are reading this, remember, I owe you no consideration, so get over it. You have showed me no consideration, have hated both Trump and me based on nothing but your own desire to follow your leaders. They tell you who to hate, and you hate them. Yes, it’s really that simple and really that disgusting.
Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies. Progressives have no idea what any of it is about, and they don’t need to know. Trump was born guilty, now hang him! Progressives are so ignorant, so easily misled, that they think that Trump was convicted of paying off a stripper. No, paying off a stripper is not illegal, and he was never charged with that. So, progressives, why do you believe that; and why do you have no CLUE what the charges really were? Trump was found guilty on 34 counts, of having a bookkeeper enter payments to his lawyer under ‘Legal Expense’. That’s it, folks. The case centers around, not the payments, but that the payments to his lawyer were entered under ‘Legal Expense’! OK, you progressive geniuses, what SHOULD the payments have been entered under? Don’t know? I guess we’ll never know; the prosecutor never said. Are you feeling really, really stupid, yet? I hope so, because that’s an indication that you are capable of at least some amount of rational thought.
If you think there was an insurrection on Jan 6, and that it was a concerted effort to overthrow the government, and that Trump was behind it, you are off-the-charts delusional. Yet, Trump was impeached. He was impeached by the same woman who told you the lie that there was an insurrection. My question: Why do you still believe the woman who has lied to you incessantly? That is the same woman who has been pissed off since 2016 that interloper Donald Trump stepped in and stomped all over her fiefdom, leaving muddy footprints all over the place.
No, Donald Trump does not play the game the way the game players like the game to be played. He doesn’t even know the rules, and refuses to learn them. He doesn’t know his place. He doesn’t memorize the terms. He is a failure as a party hack politician. For some, that is cause for great angst, because it threatens their belief system. Exposes it to ridicule. We can’t have THAT! We must maintain the process by which two pollical parties that have NO GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY maintain absolute control over our governments.
Donald Trump is guilty. He is guilty of making a mockery of political machinery that shouldn’t even exist, and which richly deserves to be mocked. He is guilty of being his own man. We can’t have that!
Who hates Trump? Anyone who desperately needs to believe that there are smart people in government who know best, even when all the evidence tells us the opposite. Who likes Trump? All of us who have been aware for decades that governments attract not the best, but the least. Government attracts hangers on, and insecure cultists who want to be led by the nose, and who pay no attention to where that leads.
I recently read a simple explanation of Trump supporters and why we believe his ‘lies’: We don’t take Trump literally, we take him seriously.
Donald Trump has been shot. Let me repeat, he has been short. Verry nearly killed. Yet, people treat it like just more of the usual news. My granddaughter said that she felt bad that the attempted assassination didn’t register more heavily with her, but that today, it just seems more like part of the way things are. Prescient kid, I would say.
Dondald Trump was nearly murdered, and it’s just more news. We barely feel it. The excuses, rationalizations, politicking, blame placing and so forth are already in full swing. Many news organizations actually reported initially that Trump ‘had a fall’. They will make the excuse that it was the only available information they had at the time. They will be lying. The president was nearly assassinated, and their first thought was ‘how do we spin it’?
Trump was nearly assassinated, and I blame every progressive who ever lived. Does that seem harsh? Unreasonable? Well, tough. Progressives have been blaming Trump and me incessantly for eight straight years. He and I have been called racists, right wing extremists, white supremacists, homophobes and xenophobes. We have been blamed for white cops shooting black guys, even when those white cops were working in democrat-controlled cities, which is most times. We have been blamed for every mass shooting during the Trump administration even though Trump and I had nothing to do with any of it. People sit in prison for ‘crimes’ that would have been considered trespassing in any other place and time, and been let go with a warning.
I blame every progressive for ALL of this. You made your bed, now lie in it. I won’t call this assassination attempt an ‘isolated incident’ by a deranged individual. Why should I? Is that what you progressives said when shooters shot people during the Trump administration? No, you blamed Trump. And you blamed me. Now, I blame you. See how that works?
Who knows what time will bring? But if time brings a well-deserved demolition of the progressive machinery, and progressives lose jobs, careers, pensions, and get sent to prison, well, I want all you progressives to know that I will show you the same consideration that you have showed me. You’re welcome.
Who are the hate-filled heathens? Here’s a video with some suggestions.
“Dondald Trump was nearly murdered, and it’s just more news. We barely feel it.”
Yes the deluge of “events” goes on and on and seems to be escalating
With our swamp rats
“There is no there there”
That phrase sticks
I liken the "Progressive Movement" to that famous euphemism: no single raindrop takes responsibility for the flood. In their minds, Progressives are not responsible for bad things, only for good. Rain, likewise, is a good thing, until there is too much of it. Progressives, however, cannot imagine too much of their good-doing.