What Ketanji Should Have Said
Where do your answers to questions come from? Do they come from your own heart, soul, and mind? Or are you just repeating what you've had indoctrinated into you?
When Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked during her confirmation hearing if she could answer the question, “What is a woman?”, she demurred.
Let’s consider why she was asked such a strange question at a confirmation hearing, and why she stonewalled on the answer. Of course, we know why, even if we don’t want to have to consider it. It’s because progressivism, which has never been a paragon of rationality, has degenerated into absolute nonsense. Progressives feel a need to be at the forefront of the ‘latest thing’, rationality be damned.
The key point to progressivism is that you must, MUST be a natural born follower. Individual thought and evaluation is not tolerated. Don’t think so? If you are a progressive, then right here, right now, try to think of any opinion you have concerning current events that came from your own mind. Feel free to post in the comments.
I just re-read “1984”, in which the Ministry of Truth rewrites history on a continual basis, based on whatever Big Brother wants the populace to think they know. That resonates with me today; how about you? Today as yesterday, Big Brother does not tolerate individual thought, individual self-direction. Those who speak against progressive dogma will be delt with. They will be cancelled. Their writings and other expressions are labeled ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’. Big Brother government agencies and related NGOs are created for the express purpose of censoring independent thought. That is blatantly unconstitutional in both fact and philosophy. Yet Big Brother gets away with it.
And so, almost inevitably, progressivism has degenerated to the point where a progressive can be instantly backed into a corner by being asked, “Can you explain ‘what is a woman?’” Any normal person can answer that question. A progressive cannot, because a progressive has no mind of their own. Ketanji Brown Jackson, now a Supreme Court justice, cannot answer the question. What, then, CAN she answer? She is a slave. She is a slave to progressive dogma, afraid to rationally step outside of it long enough to give the obvious answer. Will she, can she, make rational judgments of cases brought before her? Very doubtful.
“What is a woman?” Jackson, in her own confirmation hearing, would not answer, said she wasn’t qualified to answer. Huh?
Here’s my answer, assuming I was a candidate for the Supreme Court, and wanted to sugar coat my answer:
“The question, ‘What is a woman’, has become a political litmus test. So-called conservatives will immediately refer to the biology, and state that the question has an obvious answer. So-called liberal progressives will state that it is about what is in the mind, not the body. Clearly, an individual can think whatever they want. I support that. But what is it that an individual thinks? Are they thinking thoughts inherent to who they are as an individual, or have their minds succumbed to outside pressure, and their thoughts are really just memorized political talking points? It is said that man is a social animal, and it is true. But a man, or a woman, must also be a distinct individual, or else we are all just farm animals.
I know, we know, the biology. And that biology is no accident. It is the means by which we perpetuate ourselves. That biology should be, must be the norm. But if an individual finds it in their own heart and mind that that is not the case for them, we must be tolerant of their right to their own identity. No government should, no organization should, seek to enforce its own views and beliefs on anyone. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, we must determine our own selves. It is much easier to be a farm animal than to be an independent, responsible human being. But we have both the right, and the responsibility that comes with it, to be an individual, responsible for our own choices, even our own identity. Every institution, be it school, government, or church must respect and accept this. I support the right of the individual and will act against any institution that attempts to force its will on anyone. That an institution is either conservative or liberal is irrelevant. If it seeks to force its views on others, I will act against them and in favor of the individual. But, and this is important, just as society cannot force its views on the individual, the individual cannot force his views on society.
I make an exception for one institution, the family. The one party that has clear authority to decide values and viewpoints on behalf of the children, is the parents. To any extent that parents dissent from the teachings of any institution, the will of the parents must take precedence. Democracy is not a factor here. Majority rule is for voting on where to build a road, not how to raise children. Parents are not mere caretakers on behalf of the state. The state is the caretaker of roads, not of people.
So, you ask, ‘What is a woman?’ We must start with the biological answer. It is the easiest, and best serves our purposes. But any individual who sees things differently is free to do so. But they are not free to force their view on our children, or on anyone, any more than we can force ours on them.”
Ketanji, if you’re listening, feel free to use this answer to the question, “What is a woman”, the next time you are asked, and maybe you won’t come off as such a fool. And if you take it to heart, you could be a great Justice, and not just another mindless party hack.
I was “triggered” to write this, when I watched the Armstrong Williams show in which Erin Friday was featured. She describes her experiences as her daughter’s school attempted to indoctrinate her daughter into progressive idiotology.
We have been complacent. We who have minds of our own have sat back too long, had too much faith in our ‘leaders’. That has to stop, and stop NOW.
In my lifetime I’ve seen progressivism destroy journalism, education, science, and ‘the rule of law’. They have all been perverted into totalitarian indoctrination machines. We have a lot of work to do to come back from this, but we must do it. The road we are on leads to a cliff, and we are running full speed ahead.
Here is a YouTube video of an interview with Erin Friday.
The same people who admonish us to "Respect the science," are the ones who reject the science of XX and XY. I'm old enough to remember normal.
What I found to be asinine about Brown's remarks and the Judiciary Committee's response to them was that just minutes before she described herself as a "woman of color," yet the Judiciary committee would not just run the tape back when she answered the question. A blatant admission that the hearing was rigged.