It sucks to be a minority that is continuously and contemptuously discriminated against. If only those progressives would do something about THESE minorities.
The USA has one of the most diverse cultures in the world. We should celebrate that, right? But minorities have suffered from being, well, minorities. We all know that, right? We should do something about that, right?
OK, so how do we measure minorities? By race? Sure. In this day and age, it seems absurd to differentiate along racial lines, and of course it’s illegal to discriminate along those lines. How about religion? Also illegal. I guess we’ve got things pretty well under control, then, right?
I don’t know who you are, but I’d bet good money that you don’t want to see or hear anything discriminatory about race and religion. You don’t support it, and you won’t tolerate it, right? Good.
But what about those other minorities? What other minorities? Well, employers, for instance. Huh? Yes, employers. Never thought about it? Why not? You’ve thought about other minorities, why not employers?
Maybe there’s a LOT more discrimination in the USA than we’ve thought about. And maybe many of the same people who are repulsed at racial discrimination are themselves willing to discriminate against employers and other minorities, such as landlords. I recently Googled “How many employers are there in the USA”, and most of the responses were about employees. Nobody cares to know about the employers.
How often have you heard ‘hate speech’ against employers, and thought nothing of it? Maybe you even agreed with it. Would you tolerate similar speech about blacks? I started down a rabbit hole looking up references. I could have spent all day, all week, but I didn’t. But something stuck with me when I searched YouTube for videos about ‘bad employers’ and ‘bad employees’. The videos of ‘bad employers’ are largely what you might expect; rants and hate speech. But the videos of ‘bad employees’ are primarily rational approaches concerning how employers can coach bad employees. Check it out for yourself, if you care to.
And rich people are certainly a minority. They of course should pay their fair share. But nobody, and I mean NOBODY, ever says what a fair share is. If they don’t know what a fair share is, how do they know that rich people aren’t paying it? Yet rich people are continuously castigated for not paying their fair share. That’s right, folks, bigotry. Pay attention, from now on, to all the politicians who spew the ‘they don’t pay their fair share’ mantra to cheering audiences. What would happen if they said that blacks don’t do their fair share of the work? We’ll never know, because they’ll never say it. (And, no, neither am I. I’m making a point.)
Anyway, all this is of little concern to those rural farmers stuck in their fields, oblivious to what’s really going on in the world. They cling to their guns and their religion in flyover country. What? Did I say something bigoted? If I did, then so has a president of the United States. It’s the same president who said, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else did it for you.”
Oh, well, no big deal. They’re just farmers and businessmen, after all. What’s really sad is all those unschooled tradesmen and factory workers who toil away, too uneducated to know of the enlightened insights of the intelligentsia. OK, I dare you to pick apart that last sentence. Am I dissing tradesmen, factory workers, or the intelligentsia? It kind of depends on how you look at it. And maybe that’s what it all comes down to. How DO you look at it? Why is some bigotry OK among some people, even encouraged, while other bigotry is strictly off limits? To paraphrase Jesus, “Let he who is without bias throw the first invective.”
Nice take on minorities, Rad!
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.--Groucho Marx.
It all depends on how you phrase it, how you want to look at it, and what you can get out of dissing it. There are those who look at that classic quote and say, "I don't get it." Language to them is fixed, like the concept of "race." Sociologists will tell you there are many; biologists will tell you there is one. The screamers and scolds (called activists) will say that "being colorblind" is racist, which comes back to Groucho if you can't distinguish between red and blue.
It all depends on what you want out of what you hear or read.