Kamala Harris will be president BEFORE the Nov 5 election.
Remember, you heard it here FIRST!
How do I know? Because, as I frequently suggest, we should consider not just the what but the why. Biden did not drop out of the race for health reasons, he dropped out because he didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating Trump in a fair election. Regardless of health, he would have remained in the race, and the Democrat cabal would have encouraged him to remain, if he could beat Trump.
But he can’t, so he’s gone. But, trust me on this, prior to his announcement on Sunday, the game plan had already been worked out. Kamala would be the candidate, and the requisite number of delegates had already been lined up prior to Biden’s Sunday announcement.
OK, so what ELSE might they already have lined up? Think about it. Right now, the race is perhaps even between Trump and Kamala. What would give Kamala a huge boost and possibly put her over the top? That’s right, if she was already the president.
Right now, the handlers are waiting for people to digest the current situation. They are letting the Trump assassination attempt fade from the news. But at the right time, I figure before the Democratic convention, Biden will resign for health reasons. Then the convention can be one big, uncontested celebration of her coronation.
Yeah, that would give her a boost. But it wouldn’t make her competent.
Two things:
1) "Fair election?" By definition, almost impossible in the land of ballot drop boxes and electronic counters unless there is an overwhelming majority for one candidate and it would be hard to hide the machinations.
2) It might give Cackler Harris a boost if she were in the Oval Office (and I agree it's likely), but she's already so deeply unpopular with many demographics that the only way she can assure a win is to refuse to leave.
I think you are right, she will be president before the year is done. Then, I think they are trying to bait violence to enact martial law, thus eroding even more of our civil liberties and keep her “installed”.
Many are outraged at the recent actions of the protesters but I think fighting back at this juncture is exactly what they are waiting for so they can launch the next stage of their plan. It is infuriating, but I fear this is the long plan. I pray I am wrong.