I read it in the paper, so it must be a lie.
Today's journalism is trusted even less than Congress. Here's just one example of why that is.
We have had another school shooting. This time in Antioch High School in Nashville. We all know that the problem is the guns. We know that because that is what progressive ‘journalists’ keep telling us.
And would it surprise anyone that the guy who did this was an ardent follower of various “white nationalist groups”?
Here is a quote from the USA Today article as it appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer. (The direct link to the USA Today article has been modified.)
A nearly 300-page document posted on X contains numerous selfies of what appears to be the shooter with various alt-right paraphernalia scattered between statements against 'race mixing,' wishes to 'take revenge' on society, statements praising Adolf Hitler and pages of explicit photos from previous school shootings.
Social media accounts linked in the document and scattered across many platforms focused heavily on 'groyper' content, a nickname used by many online white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups, as well as 'incel' content, a name referring to young men who claim to be 'involuntarily celibate' and espouse violent misogynistic views.
The journalists couldn’t resist linking the shooter to “…many online white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups…”
Yup, it’s those white nationalist Trump supporters who do this kind of thing, right? It’s the NRA and their support of legitimate gun ownership, right? That’s what they keep telling us, based on absolutely nothing. Only problem is, the shooter is black. Oops. Who knows what other significant points can be made about this kid. The journalists could have included a plethora of other information about him. They could have mentioned that he is black.
Once again, the major media, given a choice between professional journalism and ginning up hate, went with the latter.
I am not able to get a clean direct link to the Enquirer story. It can be found on p 6A of the Jan 24, 2025 edition.
This is a great example of how the narrative can be skewed by what is omitted from the reporting. The reported facts may be accurate but the inconvenient ones never see the light of day.