Finding the Crime
The law is not a set of rules to live by. The law is a set of rules to protect us from each other. That’s huge, of course, but there are no corners there, no parameters, no CONFINEMENT. Free people must NOT be confined. No, we do NOT live within the law. Or at least we’re not supposed to. We are supposed to be able to live however we care to, as long as we don’t violate a legitimate law.
Perhaps some illustrations would help me make my point. Our constitution is very proud of the concept of “innocent until proved guilty.” That sounds great in a civics book, but what about real life? In Stalin’s Soviet Union, it was quite the opposite. If anyone met with Stalin’s displeasure, such as opposing him politically, there was a presumption of guilt, not innocence. Stalin’s principal prosecutor, Lavrentiy Beria, famously told Stalin, “Find me the man, and I will find the crime.” In other words, “Find me the man that you want sent to prison, and I will find something to find him guilty of.” Thousands of people were sent to Siberia, based on the person’s failure to prove their innocence, rather than on any need for Stalin and his courts to prove guilt. That might sound like ever so much pointless historical blathering, but keep in mind that Putin is still doing it. And so is President Xi Jinping of China.
Thank God that doesn’t happen in America, right? If only. I’ve lived a long time and seen a lot, and I have never seen a time in America when people were so willing to practice the concept of ‘guilty until proven innocent’. That should scare everyone. But it doesn’t. For a moment, let’s again look back at history, at the Salem witch trials. Yes, people were accused of being witches. Salem was not a huge city; people knew each other. Stupid claims of witchcraft should easily have been shot down as stupid. They were not. A very few gained for themselves the “authority” to investigate witches and witchcraft. Not surprisingly, they found all kinds of witches and witchcraft. In fact, essentially everyone they investigated turned out to be a witch. Innocence was not presumed, guilt was. And the accused citizens could never manage to prove their innocence.
But, hey, it could be worse. The accused citizen, having failed to prove his innocence, and therefore being found guilty of being a witch, needed only to confess their guilt any pray to God for forgiveness and salvation. And, if they didn’t? Well, then they were stoned to death. And, believe it or not, there are those who were stoned, because they refused to make a phony confession to witchcraft. They preferred death. Here’s a question; who were the people that the prosecutors chose to prosecute? Given that all were truly innocent, why THEM? Go ahead, conjecture. Was it friends of the prosecutors who were accused? Of course not. Was it favored relatives? Of course not. Was it people that the population generally didn’t like? Hmmmm. Perhaps so, don’t you think? Was it people who spoke against the prosecutors for perverting the very idea of justice? Count on it.
Well, at least those types of prosecutors don’t exist today! Not in our time, and in our country! Like HELL, they don’t. What makes you think they don’t?
Now, let me get into the “T” word. The name that shall be derided at all the times, the ultimate Satan who must be stoned. He who is guilty of absolutely every possible crime against humanity, the one, the only, Donald Trump. Those who hate him, know he is guilty. That’s right, no need to prove him guilty. No need to presume innocence until proven guilty. (That pesky Constitution is always getting in the way!) STONE HIM!. But we still need to pretend it’s about justice, right? But, we still need the pretense of a trial, right? And so, we will have them. LOTS of them! And in each case, the state will not have to prove Trump’s guilt, Trump will have to prove his innocence. That’s how witch hunters do things. The townspeople have their rocks in hand, eager for their chance!
Am I drawing too much of a parallel between Salem witches and modern witch hunts? I would say not. There are those who have been sure that Trump is guilty, going back to 2015. They had no idea of what he was guilty, but all the same he was GUILTY. He’s just plain guilty. All we have to do now, is find the crime.
Within a day or two of winning the 2016 election, there was talk of impeachment. For what? It doesn’t matter what, he’s just guilty. He needs to be impeached! This is two months BEFORE he took office. He was two months away from even having a CHANCE to commit a high crime or misdemeanor, but the plans to impeach were already public. Yes, as Trump pointed out, it was a witch hunt. It was suggested that the 25th amendment be invoked. If you are not familiar with it, READ it, and try to make any sense of invoking it against Trump. But, hey, he’s THAT guilty. We just need to find the crime.
But, anyway, there was the Trump/Russia collusion. Remember? Of course you do. Well, you remember NO verified specifics, because there are none, but we all know he’s guilty, all the same. The Mueller investigation was chartered to investigate Russian influence in the election; it was NOT mandated to specifically examine Trump. You didn’t know that, did you? Why not? It’s true, and essential. So, why didn’t you know? No, seven democrat loyalists, many directly answerable to his opponent, Hilary Clinton, instead investigated Trump, and Trump only. Hilary’s own association with Putin was ignored. Her financing of the phony Steele dossier was likewise ignored. I may be hurting peoples’ feelings here, but I don’t care; any FOOL could see the entire things was a set-up. Rational people saw it. But people with stones in their hands, waiting for their chance, said, “This is it! We’ve GOT him!” Hate will do that.
The first impeachment amazingly coincided with the investigation into Joe Biden’s kickback schemes in Ukraine. So the media, rather than turn the spotlight on Biden, turned it on Trump for asking about it. Now, the evidence against Joe Biden is known to nearly everyone one (but only believed by some). Remember, the evidence was widely available, and was even introduced in Trump’s impeachment trial, but most media simply ignored that evidence. If you didn’t know about Hunter’s laptop and that it was certifiably authentic until 2020, you were two years behind the times. Perhaps you should listen to media who are a little more current.
The second impeachment. Well, THERE you go. A riot, not an insurrection, which democrat shills swore was an attempt to overthrow the government. I’m sorry, but how delusional does a person need to be to believe that a bunch of people, armed with no weapons beyond a little pepper spray and a crutch, calculated that that was all it would take to overthrow the United States of America? Damn! In spite of the incessant rhetoric, NO charges have been brought against Trump for anything he did that day, in spite of Merick Garland’s best efforts to get Trump. Because Trump broke no law. An alternate slate of electors is not a crime. It is not unconstitutional, and has been done before. Ooops! Those stones are wearing grooves into the witch hunter’s hands, and they STILL they don’t get to throw them.
And, we have the blackmail paid to the stripper. But, that’s NOT illegal. Trump has not been charged with that. If you have no idea what he’s been charged with, and how preposterous it is, that’s on you, not Trump.
Oh, but the RICO plans concerning the Georgia election! Well, what about them? A campaign committee challenging elections is NORMAL. No, it’s not a crime to look for a way to overturn an election, LEGALLY. OK, so what law did Trump break? No, it’s not illegal for Trump to say he wanted to find11,000 more votes. What LAW DID HE BREAK? Unbiased lawyers (not the witch hunters) all over the country say that Trump’s desire to find 11,000 more votes was NOT illegal. And, Stacy Abrams, right there in that very state, likewise made continual claims that the election was stolen from her. If making those claims, and trying to reverse the election are illegal, she’s guilty. So, by the way, are Al Gore and John Kerry.
But, then there’s those top-secret documents that EVREY ex-president has. Well, that MUST mean he’s guilty. No need of a trial, he’s guilty. Everybody knows that! What makes Trump guilty, and not the other presidents, is because he didn’t hand them all over to the FBI when asked, even though he was under NO obligation to hand them over. Again, what law did Trump break, that every president before him hasn’t also broken?
So, we now have a presidential candidate under indictment by a team of totalitarians, during an election. Has this happened ever before? Well, yes and no. It’s never happened in the USA. But it’s routine, in Russia, China, Venezuela and every other totalitarian regime. There’s a term we use for that; Banana Republic. The USA is now a banana republic, thanks to Joe Biden, Merick Garland, James Comey, Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi et al. And that includes YOU, if you support this gang rape of the constitution.
I recently read, in an unrelated matter, that 4% of people are sociopaths, 36% of people believe them, and 36% of people think for themselves. No, that doesn’t make it to 100%, but it’s not about the actual numbers anyway. Politics is largely made of sociopaths. No, DON’T believe me. Consider it, and investigate it. Wonder, if you will, why a “profession” that is largely held in utter contempt, can still sway so many people. Some people are born followers, and many sociopaths are born leaders. That doesn’t mean they are PRINCIPLED or HONEST leaders, just leaders. I mean, Hitler and Stalin were excellent leaders; that they were also conscienceless murderers is just a minor detail. Nothing looks more attractive to a born follower, than a born leader, a leader who leads them by the nose and spares them the agony of having to think for themselves, of having to gather their own information, to equivocate and accept not being sure. No, born followers need leaders who speak with authority. No doubts. No questions. Absolute control and regimentation of the dialogue. THAT’S what we need in a leader. Right?
In others of my posts, I have said, “Question everybody and everything, but first and foremost, question yourself.” I have also said, “The more certain you ae that you’re right, the more likely you are to be wrong.”
“Find me the man, and I will find the crime”. Those are the words that end freedom in a free country. And we have arrived there.