DEI-Legalized Racism
Try to find a DEI zombie who doesn't hate Trump. So much for inclusion. Go sit at a table full of DEI people. Who ISN'T there, and why aren't they? Shouldn't that table have people of all ideologies?
I have an important announcement to make: I’m not running for office. Because of that, I feel no obligation to kiss hands and shake babies…Oh, wait…Shake hands and kiss babies.
I’m a friendly kind of guy, but I feel no obligation to fake it.
And I have a deep respect for rationality. I respect rationality far more than I respect loyalty to a cause. If rationality leads me to doubt my cause, I will abandon the cause, not the rationality. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for everyone.
So, let’s REALLY discuss DEI... First of all, who wouldn’t want to include all races and genders, right? I know I do. That’s not the problem. The problem is that DEI is an insidiously engineered means to practice the very discrimination that progressives claim to oppose. This is nothing new to progressives. They are descended from the KKK. WHAT?! Yes. Think about it. The KKK was linked to the democratic party. So is progressivism, and so is DEI. Progressives like to repeat the fairy tale that the KKK was or is a creation of the Republicans. That’s a flat-out lie. It was democrat. Sure, you can find a rare republican who aligns with the KKK, but that doesn’t make republicans KKK. But does it make democrats KKK? Pretty much, yes.
Let’s consider: Robert Byrd, a now dead but formerly much revered democrat, was a US Senator from 1952 to 2010. He was also a member of the KKK, and created his own Klan chapter.
Here’s a direct quote from Byrd: “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
Oh, but he later repudiated that statement, right? Yes, he did. But was he truly remorseful? Byrd, like many democrats, strongly opposed the civil rights and voting rights act of the 1960s. Proportionally, those acts had more support from republicans than democrats, a fact that never makes it to the surface of progressive propaganda. Byrd is dead now, and good riddance. At his funeral in 2010, Joe Biden eulogized this racist.
Woodrow Wilson, one of the earliest progressives was also a KKK sympathizer. Wilson RE-segregated the armed forces. At this time the KKK was fading away, at least temporarily, but progressivism was striving for ascendancy. Where did all those KKK members go? They didn’t just disappear, and there is no reason to think they changed their minds about anything. And where did all the progressives COME from? You can see what I’m getting at, but am I right?
Years ago, I read a book (shown below) which goes into detail about the relationship between the KKK and the progressive movement. It also illustrates that Hitler was a progressive. But how can that be? Progressives are the intelligent, compassionate ones. We all know that. Really? When was the last time you saw any compassion from progressives concerning the religious right, conservatives, rural people, non-liberal whites, or anyone else who doesn’t pledge fealty to progressivism?
Now, here’s the punchline. The KKK didn’t hate blacks. KKK members had relatively good relationships with blacks. Yes, they did. But not just any blacks, only those blacks who ‘knew their place’. And of course, that’s the same attitude that progressives have. All are welcome to the progressive movement, as long as you know your place. And your place is to be subservient to the leaders. Black or white, those who refuse to comply get sent to the back of the bus, if they can even get ON the bus. In that light, let’s reconsider DEI. Who gets on that bus? Do a full diverse range of political philosophies, religions and races get on that bus? Not on your life. The more self-reliant you are, the farther back you go in the bus, if they even let you on. Asians aren’t allowed on. Conservative white men are not allowed on. Christians, don’t count on it. Active republicans? Don’t be ridiculous. Even black republicans are persona non grata. So, progressives will tell you how inclusive they are. After all, that’s what the ‘I’ in DEI stands for. And it’s a lie. With the usual slick marketing, progressives peddle the delusion that DEI is intended to eliminate discrimination, when it in fact institutionalizes discrimination. Diversity, my ass.
I offer this, taken from the book “A Fool’s Errand”, written by Albion Tourgee in 1879:
“Mr. dibble, in his very valuable pamphlet, offers the best explanation of this feeling that has ever been attempted. He says:
“In order that we may comprehend the disposition of the southerners towards the blacks, let me use an illustration: men do not hate dogs; On the contrary, there exists a strong friendship between master and brute. But if a dog attempts to get upon a man's table, and it persists in his objectionable course, he is apt to be shot for his trouble, and we approve the killing. The southerners did not hate the negroes; On the contrary, there existed between the old slaveholding class and the blacks very kindly relations--far more so than existed between the races in the north. But the average southerner looked upon the blacks at all times and in all respects as inferior beings. They were entitled to be treated kindly, and to be protected in their sphere; but they must not attempt to pass beyond it. Taught by the laws of caste to look upon himself and his class as alone entitled to exercise the prerogatives of citizenship, he resented the disposition of the black man to claim his franchise about in the same spirit in which a man will shoot a dog which has climbed upon the table and will not down.”
And it was not only uppity niggers (there, I said it. Get over it) that the KKK intimidated, it was pesky white republicans also. Those who knew their place survived quite well under the thumb of the KKK. The uppity ones got lynched. Is that different from today’s progressives? Those who capitulate, go along and do not question, get by well enough. (Today’s blacks typically call it ‘shucking and jiving’) Those who challenge and refuse to capitulate (we uppity niggers of whatever race), we get lynched.
Illiberal Reformers-Thomas Leonard
The first article of the Fascist faith is intolerance—Philip Gibbs